While there is a range of PvP resource packs online these days, finding one with the best PvP experience can be quite a challenge. Many PvP resource packs have a lot of unnecessary features and textures installed which end up undermining the performance of Minecraft, and consequently negatively affect the PvP experience. However, there are still great PvP packs out there, one of such being Rodrigo’s 8×8 resource pack. This pack is designed suc...
Clarity 32x brings pixel-perfection to an entirely new level. Every single block and item is thoroughly thought out to bring the perfect balance of realism and traditionalism, while still maintaining Minecraft’s block-by-block core. The resolution of 32x allows for greatly increased clarity and detail over standard Minecraft, yet it embraces the game’s blocky nature, in turn allowing it to run on even low powered systems. The experience is tr...
If you’re a Minecraft fan and also love the Gearbox’s game Borderlands, you’re sure to have liked the Bordercraft resource pack. One of the most admired and downloaded Minecraft resource packs, Bordercraft lost its relevance a few years back when its updates stopped coming. The resource pack, Minelands, which has been developed on the same lines as the Bordercraft has received lots of accolades from fans and critics all around the world. Wi...
WillPack a bright, rustic & realistic texturepack for Minecraft
NaturalRealism is a resource pack which aims to make Minecraft more refined, by giving it a soothing and more realistic feel. However, it manages to do this while maintaining the default 16x resolution – what this means is that you won’t be losing any frames while playing with this texture pack. Additionally, this will be perfect for those who like how the game looks by default, but would like to enhance their world with high quality textures...
CreatorPack is a resource pack for minecraft that, at the time of writing this, has only been out for a few days and it’s already received quite a bit of attention and praise from the minecraft community. It was designed by creatorLabs team and without forgetting to regularly update their previous packs, they worked hard and works to this day to develop packs like this. There are a few reasons why CreatorPack resource pack became popular in a s...